After four and a half years of passionate and tireless work, it is with deep emotion, mixed with joy, that we announce our departure from our roles as Artistic Co-Directors of École des Sables. These years have been incredibly enriching, marked by challenges but, above all, by precious moments where we had the privilege to imagine, create, program, and contribute, in our own way, to the continuity of this unique institution and the legacy of Germaine Acogny.
Today, the time has come for us to pass the torch, to hand over this responsibility to others, and to set off toward new horizons.
On this occasion of a new chapter, both for us and for Ecole des Sables, we want to express our deep gratitude to the founders for their trust, as well as to the artists and students for their energy and talent, and to the staff and office team for their dedication and support.
You have all played an essential role in this journey, and this vibrant place would not be the same without you.
We will cherish, and hope you will share with us, the beauty of this human and artistic adventure. An adventure marked by unforgettable encounters, shared dreams, and a collective commitment to dance, transmission, and culture.
Our attachment to Ecole des Sables and what it represents remains intact; this place will forever be our home. We look forward to meeting you there for other projects and collaborations to come because the story does not end here.
We leave with a sense of pride and gratitude, our hearts filled with memories and inspiration. We are mindful of the path traveled and confident in the immense potential that continues to make Ecole des Sables shine. To those who will take over, we wish you great success!
Lastly, thank you to our loved ones for your constant support, inspiration, and for sharing this immense adventure with us.
See you very soon, for new projects and new encounters, always guided by love, passion, and dance. Let us continue creating together here, in Africa, and around the world.
With all our gratitude and, as we love to say in Toubab Dialaw, Atcha-Atcha!
Alesandra Seutin & Wesley Ruzibiza