Project Dialaw

With Germaine Acogny, Hamidou Anne, Stéphane Soo Mongo, Anne-Elodie Sorlin, Pascal Beugré-Tellier.

The central theme of Dialaw Project is the construction of the port of Ndayane, a titanic project sold by the Emirates to the Senegalese government, stretching from Dakar to Toubab Dialaw. This former land of the tragedy of slavery, outraged by colonial rule, is now facing a new threat, this time called emergence, the catchword of triumphant Afro-capitalism. Traces, memories, history, ecology, aesthetics, poetics of the living, Dialaw Project questions the term ‘development’ and confronts it with the stories of people made vulnerable by the political choices of a few elites.

What can we do together to interrogate modern myths through the prism of this port? What binds us together in the repeated tragedy of this event?
Can we cope together, or will each of us have to find our own solution? Investigating our interdependence means going beyond points of view to question points of life.

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