Workshop for the Elders


Ecole des Sables invites you to come to Toubab Dialaw, a small fishing village in Senegal, to learn about dance and movement, a means of immediate and intense self-expression, which allows you to find a natural well-being through an intimate union between body and mind.

In an ideal environment, supervised by competent and attentive people, all the conditions are met to spend together moments rich in meaning, experience, cultural exchange and discovery. It is above all a great opportunity to discover African dance directly at its source, to feel the energy of one’s body and that of the environment. It is also an opportunity to carry out various activities and to share for some time the life and habits of the inhabitants of the village of Toubab Dialaw.

Workshop for the Elders - 2012 Edition
The École des Sables is a unique place in Africa and in the world, a large training centre considered as the “Mother House” of African Dance. Usually intended for the training of young African dancers, this centre wishes to offer others the opportunity to discover Africa through one of its major artistic expressions: Dance.

Age should not be a handicap but rather an expression of wisdom, wealth of experience and the will to continue to be active in this world. Working on the body is the best way to maintain autonomy of movement and physical well-being. The positive effects are well known and considerable.

Claude Magne | Workshop for the Elders - 2018 Edition
Germaine Acogny | Workshop for the Elders - 2018 Edition

The body expression classes take place in a 400m2 dance hall called “Kër Aloopho” (Aloopho’s house), with a sand floor, and in a second hall of 280m2 (Henriette Bathily hall), equipped with a professional dance floor.

Other activities are planned to encourage meetings, exchanges and discussions. Thus, through learning how to make local fruit juices with the school’s cooks, storytelling evenings and conferences, excursions into the bush, walks to the market, singing, walking in the water… It is about discovering the way of life in the village of Toubab Dialaw and feeling the surrounding nature and letting it rock you. Finally, it is about living these two weeks at the rhythm of the Ecole des Sables, shared between music and movement, village and nature, activities and calm.

The activities on offer are equally suitable for men and women, and it is possible to come as a couple, with friends or family, even if they prefer not to follow the whole programme.


The price for the 2021 edition is 1,400 euros per person for the two weeks, and 1,000 for one week. It includes accommodation, full board, body expression classes and internal school activities. International transport, transfer costs from Dakar airport to Toubab Dialaw and back (30 euros each way), external excursions and massage sessions are at the expense of the participants. It is therefore compulsory to have an international travel insurance. The number of participants is limited to 25 persons.


For more information download the Dossier:
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